Concussion Awareness Training Tool For 
Workers and Workplaces

The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a program designed to provide workers and workplaces with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion.

45 Minutes

Learn at your own pace and save your progress

7 Learning Checks

Test your knowledge


Upon program completion
About CATT for Workers and Workplaces
The Concussion Awareness Training Tool, also known as CATT, provides workers and workplaces with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion. CATT is based upon the best available evidence and research, including interviews with healthcare and workplace professionals, and with people from various industries who were either actively recovering from concussion, or who had returned to work following a concussion.

Learning Objectives
This program was developed to help you:
  • Increase your concussion awareness and knowledge
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion
  • Respond appropriately to an event that could result in a concussion
  • Access concussion management support at work
  • Support concussion management using the Return to Work or the Return to Activity strategies
  • Manage concussion symptoms and persisting symptoms
  • Prevent concussion in the workplace, where possible