Concussion Awareness Training Tool For

The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a program designed to provide youth with the information they need to take an evidence-based approach in responding to and managing concussion.

40 Minutes

Learn at your own pace and save your progress

3 Learning Checks

Test your knowledge


Upon program completion
About CATT for Youth
The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Youth is based on the evidence established in the most recent Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport – 2022, the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport, and other evidence-based resources.
Learning Objectives
This program was developed to help you:
  • Understand what a concussion is
  • Know what to do if a concussion happens
  • Learn the proper process for reporting a concussion
  • Understand the healthy concussion recovery process
  • Video Playlist

Recognize to Recover
Dara Howell's Story

How do Concussions Affect the Brain? 

#NEW TOUGH - Headway Foundation

Video: Dara Howell's Story

Video: How do Concussions Affect the Brain? (CBC News)

Video: Recognize to Recover - Concussion Initiative (US Soccer)

Video: NEW TOUGH - Concussion Awareness Hockey PSA (Headway Foundation)

  • Interview Playlist

Meghan Whyte

Brady Esau

Rylen Williamson

Alyssa Wellar

Video: Meghan Whyte

Video: Brady Esau

Video: Rylen Williamson

Video: Alyssa Wellar